Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Can you manage?

Yes we can! We felt like being in the middle of nowhere when we got off the bus at saliyagama junction - probably the only place in sri lanka where you have to ask a tuk-tuk-driver for a ride (and not the other way round). But enough about transportation and logistics issues. Let's enter the eco community.

The first thing we want to mention is the courage and enthusiam of chaminda, thilina, kumara, susith, bandara and mala. Especially chaminda impressed us with his way of thinking and talking (although he has some minor issues with english grammar ;-) ). The way he sees things and critisises the downsides of the sri lankan society is amazing. Chaminda, you really have huge balls to think, say, and DO what you actually do. Keep on doing that. You speak and live truth.

So, let's talk about the work we have done on the farm: weeding, planting, "roofing", building mud walls, washing the goats, milking the cows, going to the milkshop in the evening by motorcycle (2 people + milk can on 1 motorcycle can be pretty exciting), redesigning the facebook-page and the website of the community. That was pretty much everything we did. It's hard to say what we like best. The weeding in the mornings definitely had a meditative aspect which was a good start into the day. Goat washing was just so much fun and building roofs out of palm leaves was a challenge for our climbing skills. I think we spent about 20.000 hours climbing on differnet roofs. Monkey style :-)

Of course we learnt a lot about natural building and eco farming (and also how to give medicine to a goat if she doesn't want to take it). But the most important thing we learnt is that everything in life is about technique and rythm. That might sound weird now but you'll understand when you come to the farm ...

So, what else to say? Mala's cooking is incedibly good. By far the best food in sri lanka. Her pumpkin curries and her sambols are unbelievable. We'd love to have something like that right now. Thilina has some really good martial arts skills. If you have the opportunity to learn from him then go for it. In addition to that he is a real "mr. nice guy".

I think that's all we wan to say about the community. We could easily come up with loads of funny and touching stories and experiences but then there wouldn't be enough space for YOUR experiences anymore on this blog.

Guys, keep on doing what you're doing.

We love you,

Maria and Hannes from austria

Friday, October 18, 2013

August 2013, My first time woofing was a great success, what a charming place you have here.
I'm impressed of your way of living, almost everything you need you produce yourself. Here it feels like on another planet than Switzerland. I learned a lot about manage the daily live without big money or gib machines but just with hard working. The nature here is so great, almost everyday I have seen a new animal or a strange new plant.
I'm really thankful to had such a great experience with all you people.
Best wishes and see you again.

Sefan Oechstin from Switzerland 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Dear Chaminda, Dearest Everybody,
We stayed a few days with you & gave hands for a little work. Measured my the work you all do here everyday, it was nothing of help but it showed us how much valuable your work is. I am happy that a place as such exists in Sri Lanka, a place where small seeds of egalitarian community are beginning to grow. We hope that your utopia of Eco Community grows proudly and we are eager to see the fruits one day.
We are thankful for the time you spend on us, for your kindness & willingness to explain (papaya fertilization as well as planting bean seeds) everything for "beginning-Farmers" like us & Mala, especially thank you for your everyday working around the fire. All the best for you, the community & hope to return one day,
Anujah & Lisa

P.S. Chaminda: it's Anuzan nor Anzulla :) ! 
July 5th - 12th 2013 During a week we stayed at the Eco Community we did a wide
variety of different things, some really nice, some quite hard.
Harvesting rice, to working on finishing the house, going to the milksop. Even though some work was tough, especially in the sun, we learned a lot and leave with an incredible respect for the passion driven hardworking crew!
P.S. we loved the wild pig, it tasted very nice :)
Love Riet & Mari
FB Riet van Bork, Mari Bergsma,
July 7th 2013 Leaving time… After 1 month of hard work
I have grown roots in this place. I know I will be back again very soon, so I don't need to write too much now.
Thanks to the staff for being who they are. Thanks to the most High-Jah.
One Love
Lavid Copeland, Luxembourg
June 6th 2013 Hey community members
Thank you so much for this intensive time here in eco community! Thank you for caring so much! Especially for Chaminda : ) There are so many things and experiences that I will never forget! Like for example throwing cows hit on the wall of the new house, chasing the goats, finding a snake in our bed under Jessi's pillow and of course loosing our handbag inside of the bus and trying to talk to the Sri Lankan police …
I wish you all the best!

Chalat, FB: Charly Efua, email:
May 2013 Dear Thennakongama family …
I've got the feeling I just arrived yesterday and I already have to go. I'm letting a part of me here but I'm learning with a head full of memories, joy and love. More than a travel this place became my home and you my family in a way. I'm not leaving with sadness cause I know I will be here again, on this bench, sharing a cup of Theo and laughing while we will paly karam.
I feel alive here more than anywhere else. I already miss every of you!
May the gods be with you! With love and light.
